
Speed Zine Media

underground videos & something else ...


Director: Luis Leiva
Editor: Luis Leiva
Category: Skateboarding
Running time: 00:48:48
Production date: July 2007
Format: DVD 16:9
Language: None
Visits: 6472
Notes: About 15 minutes of extras.


eL dEs0rDeN is the first skateboard video in which the order of the skate parts is completely randomized. Thus, each time you see the video you get a very different impression.

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Size: 234.22 MB
Uploaded: Thu 27 October 2022
Download (56K): 9 hours, 31 mins and 3 secs
Download (ADSL): 49 mins and 59 secs

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1. fer [23/Oct/2007 22:09:00]

mola el video,sí

2. fran [21/Nov/2007 22:51:17]

un 10

3. skate [09/Dec/2007 20:16:44]

sta to wapo

4. charlie [04/May/2008 05:20:31]

me dijiste que me podia descargar el video aqui , pero no se como hacerlo ......contestame en richarlie@hotmail.com
un abrazo nos vemos pronto

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