
Speed Zine Media

underground videos & something else ...


archive pages: 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05

  • Videoarte: La Condición Humana

    permalinkMon 19 January 2009

    A conceptual reflexion about the human being, by Aus Acosta. This film was awarded at the VIII Festival de Creación audiovisual "Visual 08" Net.Art.
  • New video published. Codename: rpi2009

    permalinkMon 08 December 2008

    rpi2009A promotional video for the dental implant courses at USAL (University of Salamanca).
    Yeah, you can watch it on the video section.
  • The videoart foundation

    permalinkSat 08 November 2008

    An open group of people in connection with different aspects of the contemporary art that collaborate to promote artistic activities.
    Check their website.

archive pages: 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05

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